If you’re like me, the idea of going to a health care appointment brings up frustration and anxiety. And I’m a nurse!
Past experiences, along with rushed, often unpleasant interactions with providers, leaves you stuck and bewildered. Yet, your body is asking important questions that need collaborative solutions.
How long has it been? Pre-pandemic? Years? What are you missing out on in the meantime?
Enlightened Patient is here to help.
We guide you through a process of getting to know your body, working through your fears, and planning for those short but vital moments at your appointment(s).
Bring your body to its best way by taking the leap from bewildered to enlightened.
Released Package
This package is for you if you desire to be led through Enlightened Patient, with you as the focus. Includes 4 Sessions of 1:1 Coaching with Melinda:
Session 1: Meet & Heartbeat a 50-minute session for us to meet, align, strategize, and get started!
Session 2: Prep in your Step! A 90-minute deep dive into your body’s story to take the guesswork out of your next healthcare appointment.
Session 3: Led to Ahead - A 50-minute support and planning session to explore your own healthcare anxiety and discover helpful tools.
Session 4: Download & Unfold - A 50-minute post-appointment review to download suggestions, next steps, issues, anxieties, and triumphs.
Completed Enlightened Patient Planner & Personalized Anxiety Strategy
Ongoing support through your choice of communication tool.
Supported Package
Includes everything in the Released Package PLUS
One Healthcare Appointment w/ Melinda Companioning (Front Range only).
One 75-minute Support Session to Select a Healthcare Provider(s) specific to your needs, location, and insurance.

Payment Plans and Custom Packages are available. Contact us here for more.